Raptastisch Allgemein Das sind die 25 erfolgreichsten Rap-Hits auf YouTube! 5. Februar 20175. Februar 2017 Armando Romero 0 Comment 5. MIAMI YACINE – KOKAINA: 45.212.673 Aufrufe (9. => 5. !!!) Load YouTube content By loading this content, you agree to YouTube's privacy policy 4. Marteria – Kids: 50.411.865 Aufrufe (4. => 4.) Load YouTube content By loading this content, you agree to YouTube's privacy policy 3. MoTrip – So wie du bist (feat. Lary): 53.569.473 Aufrufe (3. => 3.) Load YouTube content By loading this content, you agree to YouTube's privacy policy 2. SIDO – BILDER IM KOPF: 57.636.216 Aufrufe (2. => 2.) Load YouTube content By loading this content, you agree to YouTube's privacy policy 1. SIDO – Astronaut (feat. Andreas Bourani): 74.764.475 Aufrufe (1. => 1.) Load YouTube content By loading this content, you agree to YouTube's privacy policy 1 2 3 4 5